She speaks with University and VCE Students on topics centered around curating. Through her curatorial work, Erin enjoys running tours, facilitating panels and making podcasts.
Erin also runs private classes and is a non-residential tutor at Janet Clarke Hall and Newman College, The University of Melbourne. She also holds a Certificate in Small Group Teaching from The University of Melbourne.
Erin Mathews is an engaging, dynamic and knowledgeable speaker.
Selected Speaking Opportunities
What People are Saying
“Erin is an engaging, dynamic and a knowledgeable speaker. She bought her body of curatorial expertise and grounded it in the context of the national and regional art scene and history.
Erin very quickly warmed up the students, so she wasn’t just giving a talk, but leading a discussion. Demonstrating the ability to negotiate complex cultural topics and offer valuable strategies from practice. Anyone would be lucky to have such a lively and thoughtful exchange with Erin.”
—Lucy, Project Toria
“Erin blew us away with her energy, insight and warmth. She delivered a delightfully detailed and interactive talk—and she answered every question I had noted down before I even got round to asking it. From the start, she was quickly able to engage our shy students in answering questions about, and reflecting on, their own interactions with the art world. We couldn’t have asked for more!”
—Lucinda, Project Toria
“This tute definitely gives us the chance to discuss our ideas and develop them. I find these tutorials helpful even if I am not well prepared on the material as Erin is able to roll and work with whatever knowledge we’re coming with.”
—Anonymous Student, Janet Clarke Hall
"Erin was an engaging and passionate tutor who came to every session with a friendly attitude. Our tutes were insightful and fun to attend, where I left with a greater understanding of the topics discussed in lectures thanks to her incredible knowledge of the art world."
—Celeste, Student, Janet Clarke Hall
"Having Erin as a tutor for my art history subject has been great. She is exactly what you need from a tutor as she helps you to broaden your pre-existing understanding and explore new areas of thinking. Erin’s tutorials are never boring; she takes different approaches to discussion, explanation and unpacking ideas and they’re always a fun space to learn."
—Cat, Student, Janet Clarke Hall
“Erin has been both a keynote speaker and a MC at a number of public events at our venue over the past 4 years. These events include our annual VCE Art Seminars, multiple curator talks and most notably her welcoming and curatorial address at the opening of the Archibald Prize 2021.
Erin brings a warmth and authenticity to her speaking engagements and is particularly effective when speaking to young people and students. We would gladly engage Erin anytime as a speaker at our venue.”
—Niamh, Manager The Wedge, Performing Arts Centre
“I find this tutorial to be run in a style that fosters discussion and collaboration. Erin creates an environment where I feel I can express my opinion in a safe, supportive environment and facilitates discussion between students.”
—Anonymous Student, Janet Clarke Hall
“Erin Mathews presented an excellent curatorial talk and discussion session for (and with) my senior VCE Art (Unit 3 & 4) class in late 2020 and I have continued to access her talks as a resource since then. This was suited to our public school setting, Erin tailored the learning program for the session to suit my students and also to fit into their learning sequence/curriculum.
Erin was able to share the wealth of knowledge she brings from her own prior formal education setting while studying gallery curatorialship, from her training in a professional arts setting in multiple galleries and her continuing engagement with school programs in her role in the gallery as a curator. Erin was able to discuss key topics such as artwork conservation with my students and challenge them at all levels/stages of learning and this was extremely beneficial for their preparation for an outcome in Unit 4 and their end of year written examination.
I highly recommend her talks as a supplement for an education program and as a resource for your classes as she comes with a wide breadth of knowledge and her delivery of the talk/s was engaging and my students wanted to have her return multiple times because of this.”
— Hayley, Secondary Teacher
“We were delighted to have Erin Mathews as a volunteer for The Smith Family’s SmArts program. Erin joined the program as a volunteer mentor, giving the year 9 & 10 students from Hume Central Secondary College the opportunity to hear about her career journey and various roles in the arts sector in a relaxed conversational environment.
These conversations with mentors like Erin are potentially life changing for young people with an interest in the arts. We know that accessing mentors who share a passion for the arts can be a great barrier to students continuing on this pathway and that this is even more evident in communities like Broadmeadows with high levels of language and socio-economic disadvantage. Thanks Erin!”
— Georgina, The Smith Family
“I have worked extensively with Erin through our gallery positions. Throughout the pandemic lockdowns we produced a number of online-only content, including a video specifically tailored to VCE students. Erin’s commitment to diversity and a welcoming attitude is vital to her success as a public speaker.”
— Meghan, Gallery Education, Gippsland Art Gallery
“I have worked with Erin to co-produce a local Gippsland art podcast during the pandemic and more recently as a member of an art collective of young women who meet at a local printing press in Briagolong. Erin has always provided an inquisitive and committed attitude to telling stories that enhance conversation around diversity, cultural development and creative expression.”
— Sarah, Regional Arts Victoria
“I love coming to this tutorial, honestly gets me excited for the subject! Really helpful for uni tutorials preparation.”
—Anonymous Student, Janet Clarke Hall